Picking the Correct Starting Point

The XD process can start on any of the 4 principles, but the end result will be improved by starting on the earliest possible principle.

Starting from scratch?
Discovering and understanding the core problem helps align the team and create a strong base for future ideation.
Visit the Understand section
Have a problem to solve already?
Doing a wide range of ideation will help find the best idea that meets the user’s needs.
Visit the Ideation section
Think you have a good idea?
Quickly test your idea/s via prototypes, with real users and stakeholders, to see if they really work.
Visit the Test section
Have a validated idea already?
Create the idea correctly with clear concept design and delivery documentation that fleshes out all the details ready for development handover.
Visit the Deliver section
Already have a launched product or service?
Thorough analysis and refinement can help improve a product and better align it to the user’s needs.
Visit the Test section

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